Amp measurement for 220v circuits

Emporia Energy Community Support Center Report a Bug Amp measurement for 220v circuits

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    • #5908 Report Abuse

      I have a question about how the amps measurement is reported both for the main system and the expansion module. For example I have one CT hooked to one leg of my hot water heater which reads 5000watts when energized. I have the multiplier on two. I look at the amps and it shows 43 amps which appears to be double the actual load. (30 amp breaker). Same question for the main clamps; is it also reporting double the actual 220v amps?

    • #5911 Report Abuse
      Marty @Emporia
      Emporia Staff

      Hello @cwajciec, thanks for joining the forum! We currently have a bug in the app software as it relates to the multiplier for Volts. While the multiplier correctly multiplies the Watts, it incorrectly multiplies the AMP’s. The development team is currently working on fix and we hope to have it corrected soon.

    • #5963 Report Abuse

      Do you have an ETA on a fix? I just got my 1st Vue and was about to half all the multipliers until I found this

    • #6063 Report Abuse

      I suspect this is releated to the bug with the multiplier. My ‘Other’ catagory shows a negative percentage. My dryer is on a single sensor with a 2 multiplier. Since it hasn’t run is the last serveral days I think this is possibly the cause of the negative percentage.

    • #6077 Report Abuse
      Marty @Emporia
      Emporia Staff

      @EddieVan @jbkatk we are working as fast as we can to remove the multiplier on Amps.   We don’t have a date yet but will get it released just as soon as possible.

    • #6128 Report Abuse

      I have the same problems here (reported the double Amp problem somewhere else in the forums) and I also observed the negative values on the Other (the dryer reaches nearly twice the power measured on the mains.

      Thanks, Denis

    • #6273 Report Abuse

      Just wanted to add my voice to those wanting this bug fixed.

      I installed my system yesterday and noticed the problem immediately. Mainly because my EV also shows the incoming amps and I can compare that to the outgoing amps from the Emporia system. It does appear that kW are calculated correctly, but it looks like you are dividing by 120 instead of 240 to calculate the amps on the double breaker circuits. It is difficult to see what the true usage of power is when the circuit box is a mix of 120v and 240v circuits.

      It also appears that this same problem occurs on the incoming power, which surprised me a little, since there is a CT on each leg. When I changed the multiplier for my EV back to ‘1.0’ to see if that would give me the correct amps, my “Balance” value shot up. I assume the Balance value is a subtraction of all measured power from the incoming power. If that is the case, then it appears that you are dividing the incoming watt measurement by 120v to calculate amps, but that should really be 240v since the potential between the two incoming legs is 240v (each 120v line is 180 degrees out of phase with the other).

      Anyway, it appears that you are aware of it and hopefully get it fixed soon. Just wanted to throw my 2 cents into the discussion.

    • #6278 Report Abuse
      Marty @Emporia
      Emporia Staff

      @JohnL Thanks for the feedback, we are aware and working on a correction.

    • #6858 Report Abuse

      Just got my first Vue too and the problem is still present. My EV charger is hooked up to a single sensor yet the balance is showing just as much current if not more is being draw, showing my main current draw to be double. This isn’t an issue for any other 120v circuit, only on circuits that need the multiplier for 240v and changing the units to Watts shows the Balance accordingly. Can we expect an ETA for this fix anytime soon?

    • #6876 Report Abuse

      @marty-emporia Can you provide any updates regarding this bug?

      • This reply was modified 4 years ago by ltdan457.
    • #6974 Report Abuse

      It doesnt look like its covered above – just to clarify i’m seeing an issue here.

      I have a 240v setup, the Watts are showing perfectly but the amps are showing double the actual value.
      My pool pump is 500W (240v) which is ~2A, when i change the units of measurement to A, its showing 4.22 – and all circuits have a multiplier of 1.

      Its as if the Amps measurement assumes 110v & isnt looking at the line voltage.

    • #7095 Report Abuse

      stumbled onto this today, wondering where half my power was going unmonitored, since i have sensors over the things i think were hogging all the power. I ended up putting two sensors on the same circuit. “pool panel” and “blower 1” are on the same wire.  “pool panel” has a multiplier of 2, and “blower 1” has a multiplier of 1. You can see the amps page is a mess.

      PS. It’s been a year based on the dates in this thread. Seems like it isn’t going to get fixed.

    • #7326 Report Abuse
      Emporia Support
      Emporia Staff

      Hey @jbyrkit,

      It is unfortunate that this issue is taking longer than we’d like. The problem is that measuring Amps within the system is more difficult than originally predicted and its not “just” a software bug/issue, but will eventually be a multi-faceted fix (including app updates, firmware and customer input i.e. additional data tagging for individual circuits). We’re exploring different solutions to this issue but we can’t provide any information or timeline about when a potential fix might be provided. As soon as we have additional information we’ll be sure to pass it along to the community. Thanks,

      Emporia Support Team

    • #9194 Report Abuse

      I have not received my new device yet, but reading ahead…  I had presumed the device utilizes a CT on L1 and a CT on L2 and the device totalizes and applies math to both?  Each leg CT also being viewable?  Thanks all for any feedback

    • #9697 Report Abuse

      The current is still not reported correctly for 230VAC installations (Non-USA). Current it reported as close to half what it should be and does not change with the multiplication factor.

      It’s possible its been fixed for US customers on 120V but its not being calculated correctly for the rest of the world.

      Also the 200A CT’s have a different reading to the 50A CT’s.  It would be really nice to have a second correction factor that isn’t just voltage to tidy this up.

      • #9700 Report Abuse
        Emporia Staff

        We are aware of this amps issue, our amperage is being measured correctly, however, in the app, it’s being reported incorrectly due to a calculation issue. We’re working on correcting the issue in a future firmware update. Our power reading (watts) is still correct, if you can check the data in kWh, it’s accurate and within the ±2%.

    • #9771 Report Abuse

      This issue was first reported on February 3, 2020 and after three years it’s still not fixed?
      All I want is AMPs used, and this device can’t measure that correctly?
      I don’t care about watts ie cost, I want to know load that’s on each circuit.
      Hopefully one day this will be fixed, until then this is a pass for all my rent houses.

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