Hi folks, I could do with some help. We’re really worried about our energy consumption, and in reality the bills we are getting. We live in a 4 year old house, well insulated, with an air source heat pump as the energy source. But still we’re seeing around 25,000 to 30,000 kwh consumption per year. We don’t have a hot-tub, spa, pool or anything like that. Over the last year, using the Vue 2, I’ve clamped all our big circuits. It shows the Heat Pump is the biggest consumer, using around 2,500 kwh, next is some power efficient servers in the attic which are using 1,800kwh/yr. What caught my eye though is the Balance figure. For the same annual period (2022), Balance was 66%, or 13,540kwh.
So question 1. I realised only last week that I had not used the multipler in the emporia app, adjusting for our UK voltage. I have now changed it, but the historical annual data – is this adjusted for me, or still based on a multiplier figure of 1? If so, that means I need to double these kwh figures right?
Onto question 2. Given balance is such a large percentage, I’ve killed the power to all of the circuits not clamped. Using the Vue Web App, on a per second monitoring interval, I waited for the Balance figure to drop. It has not, it stuck at around the 55-66% figure. So what does this mean?