I’m going to say no. The CTs in use here are somewhat designed to work best for low frequency 50/60 Hz. Your microinverters (Enphase or otherwise) speak on the power line in the 100-200MHz band.
I have all kinds of CT clamps on my setup. 32 Emporia circuit clamps, Emporia mains clamps, Enphase consumption clamps, Enphase production clamps, The-Energy-Detective consumption and solar clamps. I don’t monitor the solar for microinverter comms errors, but during setup everything was in the green. I also have legacy X10 devices in my home, and those operate in the same general frequency as the solar comms – but seem to coexist without issue.
I would more suspect a noisy device in your home. Not audible noise, but electrical noise. A cheap CCFL or LED bulb for example, or a poorly designed AC/DC power brick. Have anything new like that in your home?