Combining Circuits

Emporia Energy Community Product Ideas Combining Circuits

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    • #8264 Report Abuse

      Earlier last year I was told that the ability to combine circuits (ie Dryer 1 and Dryer 2) to just show one circuit would be available by end of 2021. As of today, it is still not available. Doing some searches, someone else asked about this back in 2020 and was told it would be available soon. Is this feature ever going to become available? It would be nice to see how much my AC, dryer, stove etc are using quickly without have to manually add up totals every time.

    • #8270 Report Abuse

      Want this feature!

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by stevemackie.
    • #8278 Report Abuse

      I assume this is when you aren’t a balanced load and can use a multiplier of 2? In which case as I install more of my CTs, I would also need this for devices using the neutral.

    • #8327 Report Abuse

      Looking for this too.  It’s not about multiples.  Take a heat pump for example.   The air handler and compressor are on seperate circuits but together they are one device.

    • #8368 Report Abuse

      I just contacted them and the response is that they are “hoping” to have this feature by the end of the year.

    • #8372 Report Abuse

      End of 2022?! It’s Feb 28…

    • #8470 Report Abuse

      Yeah, this has been promised by XX time for several years now it seems. Just implement the feature already.

    • #8480 Report Abuse

      This would be awesome to have… if you have spare CTs, measuring both legs is nice to make sure there isn’t an unbalanced load downstream.

    • #8843 Report Abuse

      They are hiring apparently to help expedite some lingering features that people are asking for

    • #8978 Report Abuse

      In my breaker box I have combined multiple breakers on one by putting the wire from both breakers through the same CT.  This is pretty easy if they are adjacent in the panel on the same side.

      Keep in mind they have to be on the same side (black/red) of the panel and going the same direction breaker to load.  If on the other side you need to reverse one wire through the CT so they add, and don’t subtract.  This can be difficult if you don’t have extra wire.  For a 240 V circuit instead of reversing the direction of the wire you can use the other leg of the dual breaker since that in effect reverses the current on a symmetric load.

      I have three panels, two with more than 16 breakers, so combining similar circuits still lets me monitor all circuits with one monitor per breaker panel.


      Now if there was just a way to combine two primary panels under a virtual “house” panel…

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by cwasson.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by cwasson.
      • #9087 Report Abuse

        My Electrical meter and an 8 circuit panel is on a post over 100’ from my house and from my detached garage.  Both my 200 amp main house panel and a 100 amp garage panel is fed from this 8 circuit panel.  I have added 1 of your 16 circuit monitors to my 200 amp main house panel and 1 16 circuit monitors to my 100 amp garage panel.  It would be really nice to be able to combine these 2 main panels under a “virtual” house panel.  This would allow one to see total consumption without having to manually add the 2 together.

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