Functionalities and App suggestions following recent installation

Emporia Energy Community Product Ideas Functionalities and App suggestions following recent installation

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    • #6800 Report Abuse

      I recently installed a Vue Gen2 to monitor house loads and solar inputs in my house panel. Overall I love the system and found the installation flawless, so congratulation to Emporia for such a well design system an App.

      That said, there is always room for more functionality and UI refinement, so below is my wish list / suggestion for the Vue Gen2 in order of importance for my usage.


      1.       I understand the Vue Gen2 measures Amps but also true Voltage and Power Factor.
      If that is the case, it would be really nice to get these values in the Downloaded data to help with troubleshooting. Any other value the system actually measure would be welcome there too (frequency…).
      Note: Jim’s FAQ still mention the Vue uses a fixed 120V, you may want to qualify that between Gen1 and Gen2

      2.       Have the 50A CT report directional flow like the main one (for energy source lines).
      Many Inverters (especially hybrid ones) have loads connected to them (battery, critical loads panel, EV charge station…) and therefore in some situation, instead of feeding power to the house panel, they actually take power from the house panel like any regular load. It is therefore essential that CTs on Solar lines can report directional power too.

      Marty answered previously that it is coming which is great news, any estimated date would be great

      3.       Have the ability to group CTs in the App, mostly for dual pole loads, but possibly other scenarios.
      Top level view would show the grouped CTs as a single item and value, and a down arrow next to grouped items would allow us to expand the group and see all the individual CTs in the group with their individual values.

      4.       Have the ability to combine several Vue boxes in the same household. One Vue (likely for a Sub panel) becoming a grouped load (see above) inside the main list

      App User Interface:

      1.       Have a desktop Web browser version of the App

      2.       We could use a way to select a period (day, week month..) and have the graph auto scale to show the whole period. Right now I see no control over that.
      A calendar button would open a calendar, and allow us to tap a specific day and see the whole day in the graph. Tap a first and last day would allow us to select several days have them all fit in the graph.

      3.       As a subset of the above functionality, enable pinch to zoom in the graph area to be able to scale both the horizontal and vertical axis.

      4.       Have an option in the graph to see more than one item at a time, and make it simpler to switch what is visible in the graph. (line could be thinner)
      Right now you have to dig two menu deep to get to the items list, that is one too many J

      5.       In Landscape mode which is the more useful for a graph, rework the layout to give most of the real estate to the graph.
      Right now the graph area barely has 1/3 of the screen height. Keep in mind that some people will use tablets to view the monitoring as that offers more real estate (especially if no desktop web browser version is available).

      6.       Option to display each graphs as a line chart

      Looking forward to the future of this great device!

    • #6856 Report Abuse

      One more suggestion to the above:

      Unless I missed a functionality, it can be very hard to inspect a past event using the app graph page. Problem being there is no way to directly go to a specific date and time except by scrolling, which can take forever depending how far back you are trying to goo in any specific time view.

      I have already suggested to give us a calendar tool to select a specific day to go to (and auto scale the view to that day). I also suggested to allow us to scale axis with pinch to zoom.
      In addition to the above, the functionality below would go a long way to make that process easier.

      When switching between time Views (sec, min, hour day…), maintain the time the cursor is currently on to prevent having to scroll forever.

      For example, let us say you want to check the minute graph of a load 5 days before the current day/time. Right now you have to scroll the whole 5 days in the minute view to do that.
      Instead we could use the day view to scroll to that day, then switch to minute view and still be on that day.

      Same if you wish to check the second view of a load a long time before current time, you could approach it using the hour view, then switch back to the second view when you are on the hour in question.

      Thank you for listening 🙂

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by scrambler.
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