Fairly confused about the vue units being sold by Amazon, and whether or not I have the wrong version.
Ordered a vue from Amazon, but the one added to the basket was unavailable, and the suggested alternative that arrived today says it is a 2 or three phase vue.
The install instructions on the website seem to say that the units are identical, but the 2-3 phase has extra clamps. The instructions all start with 2 or 3 phase install example, but have a 1-phase supplemental install instruction file that talks about just connecting a single CT clamp to either the AB or C sockets, and blanking the other two off for a standard UK 1-phase house install.
So is the 2 or 3 phase unit the same hardware as the 1-phase, but with additional clamps included, or is there a difference in the hardware that means it’s not usable on standard home 1-phase electrics if just the single clamp is used ?
In the past most monitors I’ve used work fine on single phase with one clamp, but support 2/3 phase by adding additional clamps, so wondering if the vue gen2 is the same, or if I need to return it (since the 1-phase doesn’t look to be available at present).
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