If there is not a space in the circuit name before about the 10th character, my Graph screen displays no part of the name and only an ellipsis! Don’t know whether to put this in as a bug or an enhancement! Here’s a screenshot. The Vue’s name is ‘V’ and that’s all you get, not even a piece of the circuit name.

Since this problem doesn’t happen on the Home screen – it displays what it can of the 24 character circuit name – one would think that the Graph screen header would display at least the same amount of characters. There’s plenty of room, especially if the artwork is moved a bit more to the outside.
The partial workaround for me to see at least the first 10 characters of my circuit name was to put a space in around the tenth character. Good chance that this experience may vary depending on the size of the screen and the font size and the characters used!
And Dev, if you’re in there re-coding the graph header, how about displaying the same icon on the left that is displayed on the Home screen list for the given circuit? The circuit type icon would be a nice touch.