Emporia Energy Community › Support Center › Report a Bug › Notifications are extremely delayed and unreliable
- This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by
MemberI have noticed that over the past few weeks / months, notifications have become increasingly unreliable and are often delayed by as much as 20 minutes, and sometimes never trigger at all, even though the monitored activity is visible in the app. Just now I had two notifications delayed by ~ 15 minutes, and one that still hasn’t come in after 20+ minutes.
I’ll also take this opportunity to ask again for email notifications in addition to in-app notifications.
Not sure if this is a load on server issue or something else, but notifications of specific activity is huge reason why I invested in the Emporia ecosystem and these delays / failures are very disappointing.
MemberI had this too but I think its working correctly now. I emailed emporia about it and they told me amazon who they use for the cloud some how (I don’t know everything) was having problems on their end. I have seen this at least one other time since I have been using the vue 2 over the past year and a half or so. I feel like maybe they are overloaded again as last time they cut back storage time (cut down to 3 hours of seconds) it seemed to get better but if they cut it again it will be almost useless for diagnosing many problems (if they get rid of data by the second I’m going to have to find something else).
John Polasek
MemberJust curious, but what do you need second by second numbers (as opposed to 1 minute data) for? I continually pull the 1 minute data into my home control system, and that’s easily enough to turn on decorations in the living room tell me when the washer and dryer are done and start flashing the garage light if the freezer ever runs continuously for too long or stops running completely, or count run minutes on the AC fan to let me know when it’s time to change the filter.
MemberI use mine for my chicken houses which have lots of motors. My biggest use is seeing how much power my feed motors are using, by the second I can see when one pulls say 4,000 watts to start vs say 800 which tells me either I have a motor problem or an object has gotten lodged in an auger. I use it to see when my medicator pumps are running which only used 10 watts but it is useful to see how fast they are cycling. I can tell what is going on with heaters, how many of them or running. The uses or endless. Seconds data is invaluable for seeing what is going on with a motor. I know this is probably not emporia was designed for but it has been an amazing diagnostic tool. I don’t need days of it, a day would be perfect (I have motors go out at 4:00 AM) but I was able to make the 3 hours work by screen shoting when I had an issue. I would pay someone good with computers good money to set up away to record my data but I couldn’t afford a high monthly fee, I have 4 houses, I’m not a large corporation.
John Polasek
MemberIf you have a bit of programming experience (or know somebody who does), a guy on Github has a downloader program that can automatically periodically copy the even the second by second history into JSON file or a local Influx database on your computer. And since you own the database, you can keep the history for as long as you have disk space to to keep it. It is what I use to get the data to my Indigo home control system, but I simply use the “m” rather than the “s” option to keep the internet traffic to a minimum…
MemberI looked into it some last night. I started to panic a little this morning as I was unable to look back at second data but it appears to have since come back (I did email support and they are usually very quick to get back and helpful). Would the downloader program tax emporia’s end? I am very grateful that they as of yet have no fee, I could pay a little but with all the vues I run depending on pricing I could quickly get priced out (1 view for each chicken house for a total of 4, 2 for my house, and getting ready to install one on my well pump and farm office. Anyways point is as things are now I am extremely pleased with emporia at the current rate for what I get and don’t want to be a problem to them.
I use to run linux ubuntu and did very minimal cut and paste coding but I feel setting up what you are talking about would take me more time then I have (it took me a year to get all the vues installed/internet run to each of my chicken houses, taking care of 80,000 chickens with just your wife and little kids for help is a lot of work :)) If emporia ever reduces the seconds data anymore is this something some one could set up for me remotely? I’m not completely computer illiterate, I set up cameras with static ips at my farm on a regular basis, but I’m far from a programmer. If not do you know anyone capable of setting up something like that around Kings Mountain NC? I would pay what it takes to make someone interested, not trying to take anyone’s time for free.
Thanks to everyone who has figured out how to get data from the vues, even though I have yet to figure it out I really appreciate everyone who takes their time to share what they have learned.
John Polasek
MemberI can’t be sure without actually going to the effort (more than I care to) of actually monitoring the network traffic involved, but doing a once per minute grab of the previous 60 1 second data points for each channel would seem to likely be less taxing to their servers than someone who leaves their web app open and gets updates (with all the header and security handshakes) every second… And as far as how much work and whether you have any geek friends to do it, I don’t know much about influx, but it seems like there are a bunch of utilities out there to do a lot of things if you google them.
MemberAre you saying that you are getting all of the second data but just pulling it every minute? Could you see the spike where a motor starts up with what you are pulling?
John Polasek
MemberThe data that I pull down is the previous minute’s total power(KWH) drawn by each CT because that is all that I need, but the downloader supposedly has the ABILITY to download the 60 individual instantaneous readings as a vector, although I have never used that feature. A power spike that lasted only a second or 2, you’d have to search the vector for the biggest value programmatically or query the database by time, but a sustained high load over the entire minute would easily show in the total power consumed over that minute, as it did when the heat strips had to kick in to supplement my heat pump during the cold snap we had last week.
Member -
MemberThe previous screen shots show one example of where I need seconds which I have recently learned are only showing you something like 10 second averages giving the lower detail. I can tell when a medicator runs out of medicine when the pump goes from using 9 watts to 8 watts. I can also get an idea of the water flow rate with the detailed rate as the medicator does 1 time per gallon. When you take away the detail I can’t tell either.
I want to add that customer support responded to my emails promptly and appeared to actually read what I was telling them. I’m not holding my breath that things improve but still really appreciate them listening to my concerns. The vue 2 is incredible I just hate to see functionality decrease taking away from what the hardware is capable of.
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