Possible to add multiple user accounts? Landlord/Tenant situation.

Emporia Energy Community Product Ideas Possible to add multiple user accounts? Landlord/Tenant situation.

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    • #6537 Report Abuse

      Hi there. I live in a detached unit on a property which has two dwellings. My hydo is routed through the main dwelling and out to the meter, so both of us are on a single meter/bill. Prior to installing the Vue2 last night, we had just been splitting the bill by a rough guess percentage. It’s great that I can now track and pay for my specific usage only (and they as well).

      One thing I’d like to see is multiple users being able to sign into the app with their own credentials. I installed the app on my own phone and set up an account, but now my landlord will either have to use my sign-in credentials (username/password) which is connected to my email address, or we’ll have to set up the account under his credentials and I’ll end up using his if I want to track my usage. You can see that this is not ideal in either case.

      This Vue2 will stay with this dwelling long after I move on and another renter takes it over. So it would be great if my landlord could have the account with his credentials, and then whomever’s renting the place could also have their own sign-in credentials. I’m not a coder so I have no idea how complex this would be to implement, but has it come up before on your dev team? I searched the forums and found no mention of it.


      • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by 3461B.
    • #6616 Report Abuse

      I have made a similar suggestion. If fact done properly this could become a major marketing factor for rental units.

    • #6984 Report Abuse

      Ive done that…  a friend and I can see the same vue , each one has a different account…

      the bad thing i see is that the other one can turn on and off the plugs or erase the whole thing.


      I think it would be better if something like  a user account and an administrator account…so one can control it and the other one just monitor it without having any power over it or its data.



      Arles from Panama City, Panama

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