Emporia Energy Community › Support Center › Emporia App › Problems (App and vue)
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 months, 1 week ago by
MemberSome days ago I had a mail conversation with support, (I had account access problems too, now these are solved).
Report here some of them.
date in european format: gg/mm/aa
I insert hours of messages too, but it’s important to consider the time zone differences!
21/7/24 23.38
I download frequently the CSV files to acquire datas from logger.
I’d like to know WHY the line coloumn is ALWAIS positive. On the file *.csv AND on the app.Also when I’m sure it’s negative…
I’m sure because I have another logger, and putting its sensor on the same cable of “Line1, (or 01), sensor” I read negative values, obviously, only WHEN the production of my little FV panel is more than consumptions.
24/7/24 02.12 support:
As for your readings, both of your devices are not set up for net metering. When you say they export should be ‘negative’ what does that exactly mean?
24/7/24 10.56
I thought to explain correctly the problem, but now I’ll try to be clearer.
I use two emporia sensors, in two different locations. On the plant where i have this problem I have a FV panel too, in the other not.
I bought the three phases version, because I want move these sensors where it will be necessary.I don’t need an immediate report, but I need to acquire the “story”, and so I download *.csv files when I need or want.
My sensors have 19 channels, the first three are for the line, other for loads. On my actual monophase plant I use, obviously, only one of the first three to measure the “net charge”, and it is the one which sometimes becomes negative, namely the total power consumption is less of FV production.
In the fisrt channel I NEVER see the negative values, namely when the energy goes from my home to the net, and it doesn’ t came from the net to my home.
I enclose a graph to see it.
In the high I have highlighted the total consumption: always positive.
In the one on the center I have highlighted the FV production, always negative to have its immediate vision.
In the bottom I have highlighted a calculate coloumn, with the difference between production and the total of my charges. (using only negative values).
You can see in the red ellipsis (and elsewhere), when your algorithm, (I think), changes the sign of “line measurement”.I repeat me, the other sensor, (not Emporia) reads correct values, equal to my calculation.
Why it? What is the sense?
Waiting your answer greetings.
(I sent them three charts)
26/7/24 15.56
NOW my FV production is over my total consumption.
WHY I don’t see “energy to grid”?I’d like to have an answer.
26/7/24 22.57 support:
Please provide screenshots of our app showing the incorrect measurements. I’m unable to easily read and understand your file below: (Charts).
27/7/24 01.44
OK, tomorrow, with sun…
27/7/24 10.36
Sono troppo arrabbiato per scrivere in inglese. Tanto ci sono i traduttori.
Ho usato l’opzione “merge circuits” per vedere il totale dei consumi di due circuiti secondari su cui non posso, fisicamente, inserire un toroide che li “legga” entrambi, e vedo che nell’applicazione i due circuiti sono scomparsi. MA PERCHE’?
Fino a qui sarebbe scomodo, ma sopportabile.
Quello che è inaccettabile è che li abbiate fatti scomparire anche dalla tabella CSV, in sostanza nel periodo in cui ho tenuto attivata l’opzione “merge” non posso avere le letture separate dei singoli circuiti. Appena me ne sono accorto li ho immediatamente separati.Scherziamo??
Ma cosa avete nella testa? Avreste dovuto semplicemente aggiungere una colonna, non “toglierne due e aggiungerne una.
Se operate così a cosa serve il fatto che da una decina di giorni nei file *.csv avete inserito anche le colonne dei canali vuoti, fasi comprese?Più tardi vi mando alcune schermate per la mia domanda del 21 luglio.
Sono sconcertato.
27/7/24 10.52
Ahh… Oltretutto le colonne scompaiono anche in tutta la “storia” del “kit” dei file csv.
P.S. Meno male che eliminando l’unione la “storia” ricompare, ma nell’avviso c’era scritto che i file *.csv non sarebbero cambiati.
Sono veramente arrabbiato. Non si fa così.
12/8/24 21.54
On the app.
You wrote the main channels are always bidirectional, but it isn’t true!I tried to invert the position of the magnetic sensor, and the result is always the same, values on the app, and on CSV files, are ALWAYS positive.
Main channels are impossible to set from the app…Today I tried to set as “bidirectional” the production channel. It’s impossible, I received an error.
I think, what is the problem?
I know these magnetic sensors, and to invert the position o the cable the output current changes the sign.
For me (I was a research universitary laboratory technician) appear really diffcult to understand this unuseful difficulties to work.
To explain to you.
I bought a different logger, with two magnetic sensors like yours, I put one of them on the same cable of your main. and it, normally, without any firmware change, read the real sense of the current. The sense, obviously, change when my production is larger than consumption. It show easily the event, Emporia App NO.Do you think to made me an answer?
P.S. I received answers and solutions only for the account accessibility, nothing else.
I hope “here”…
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