Putting identifiers (e.g. letters) on the clasps and and 2.5mm jacks of the CTs would make installation a little easier.
I just installed a new system with 16 CT clamps. After getting the CT clamps installed and tying up the cables tidily, I realized that I had forgotten to mark the clamps and jacks, so that I didn’t know which circuit was which. This meant I had to laboriously trace each cable from end to end (and then label each end with a sharpie). This was my mistake, and not the end of the world. However, if both ends were pre-labeled, it would have saved me half an hour during the installation.
I suggest using letters rather than numbers as the breakers themselves are often numbered, and the CT number would not necessarily be the same as the breaker number, causing confusion.
I also recommend labeling on all sides of the clasp, as otherwise the geometry of the breaker box might mean that the label is not visible after installation.