I had just replaced my old breaker box with a new Square D Load Center, but it felt like it was still going to be tight getting the Vue and its CTs installed and looking good. My solution uses parts from home depot to put the Vue in its own box. I did buy the knock-out punch set at Harbor Freight because it was $25 instead of $180.
I got a 6″x6″x4″ PVC junction box and used two short 1″ conduit pieces to connect it to the load center. 1″ conduit is just big enough for the ell-shaped CT plugs to wiggle through even when you already have seven. 1.25″ would probably be easier.
I decided to route the Vue’s power wires through a separate 3/4″ conduit to avoid a possible code violation from overfilling the conduit. I think the CT cables can reasonably be called “data cables” so conduit fill isn’t a problem for them.
Also, spiral cable wrap works much better than cable ties for keeping the CT leads neat and tidy and where they won’t get in the way when you try to put the load center cover back on.