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MemberDone hold your breath. Yes, it use an ESP32-WROVER-G device,which I believe only supports 7 analog to digital sensors but what isn’t known is what else are they using for the ADC services. The VUE v2 supports 19 sensors. Nothing is identifiable and without that knowledge your are probably not going to get any code from ESPHOME to work. ESPHOME needs to know what ADC and how it’s configured in order to work. So good luck,
It would be so much easier for us if they’d allow their APP to provide provisions for entering MQTT Broker info.
MemberThe simple answer is they don’t want to, either because of support issues or loss of revenue from your data, because it would simply take adding local entry fields to the Emporia App. They need to add local address, port, user and password so the device would connect to your MQTT broker instead of theirs and provide the Topic schema. That all it takes. Even of they could sell ten times the devices, I don’t see them doing it. So that tells me the device isn’t that profitable so that data must be.
Just my opinion….
Assuming that you are seeing the Vue trying to connect to your MQTT server, I would suggest to use the APP and try reset or add it again. I believe the certificate thing may occur during the initial setup. And no I don’t have any evidence that this will work. I would try but mine is installed and live.
You have the certificate for your MQTT server. Its concerned that the connection is secure not who it is. It will use your ISP Internet address, a port forward to 8883 and duckDNS type setup. Google duckDNS setup. Really not that hard. You can always get a domain and create the forward from there. I use Cloudflare and it’s less than $10 a year. Then do the forwarding inside my router so when it gets it forwards to a Lan side address on port 8883 which is my MQTT server. Many different ways to accomplish this.
Memberhi wz2b:
The certificate needs to be created by you on your MQTT broker server. You can build one using Lets Encrypt. It will create the .pem files but you will need to rename or copy them using names in the config. Also add a user to your MQTT broker using the same user/password that was used to setup the VUE And also don’t forget to restart your MQTT broker. Then use a MQTT Client, like MQTT Explorer, and connect to your MQTT server with the user/password you created. If you get this far try subscribing to ‘prod’ topic.
MemberReally it a support issue.
Think about it. Their current customer does everything from APP. Load the App, setup your device and start receiving your data. No technical issues. No technical support. So if your a DIY user you do it all, either a local MQTT broker or something like Since they aren’t getting the usage data to aggregate they can’t make any additional revenue. Get it.
MemberHi wz2b
I can confirm it’s using MQTT on port 8883 and user / password to authenticate. With the addition of a local address instead of their you’ll have full access to all the data being collected every second with no cost on their part.
You are correct too, we are not their targeted customer but we would for sure put more money in their pockets than it would cost them. Its a win-win. I think SUPPORT is the issue. They can’t support us but I wish they would see the potential.
Forget the API stuff..
All they have to do is allow their APP to use a local MQTT broker address instead of theirs during the APP setup. This will stop over loading their servers and make everyone happy. Everything is being sent via the MQTT protocol. Ten lines or less of code would fix it, I bet.
And understand NO SUPPORT needs to be provided. You use a local MQTT broker and you’re on your own. ‘PERIOD’. If you don’t know how to setup a MQTT broker server then this isn’t for you. Because that the only way this can work.
Marty, please consider this when you update the APP next time and I’ll be happy to tested it.