Greetings everyone!,
It would be really good idea to be able to put say circuit 3-5 under the category of receptacles(Which you already have the ability built into the application). Then on the home page that breaks it down have it total it by category and be able to see locations of that category by branching out the category
be like this basically (Home Page of application)
Example 1:
MAIN (1.000 100%)
->Receiptables (0.900 100%)
->>Living Room (.300 33%)
->>Kitchen (.300 33%)
->>Sunroom (.300 33%)
Example 2:
->>Living Room
This would really improve the over all ability of at a glance determinations of power consumption as well as give it a much cleaner appearance. It is only a minor coding update on the application end since all the data is already flowing to the application from the hardware.