Secure connectors for Vue

Emporia Energy Community Product Ideas Secure connectors for Vue

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      Most breaker boxes are fairly crammed with wiring. Getting 16 sensors around the power lines and routing them to the Vue box is challenging enough and results in many different lengths of sensor cables arriving at the Vue box.  I found that getting all 16 sensor cables to stay in their Vue connectors when wedging the Vue into a fairly tight spot is nearly impossible. A few sensor wires pull out every time as the mini-Din connectors aren’t strong enough to hold the connectors in place.   I suspect most people implementing the 16 sensor solution face this same issue. I finally had to tape down all my connections to get all 16 working when the Vue was finally installed.

      A solution that solves the problem of the sensor connectors pulling out would really help with installation and probably make the solution more reliable. The mini-Din connectors with individual screw locks would be be the ultimate solution but might be expensive and difficult to fit into the limited real estate along the connector row. Some sort of plastic strip that snapped into place over all the connectors at once and that prevented them from pulling out might be a more practical and economical solution. Either solution would save a lot of frustration on the part of people installing the Vue.

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