I just installed a vue gen2 but I have a few problems:
I followed the guide and in the first few steps where I’m supposed to connect the 200A sensors to the connections A, B or C. The guide doesn’t say which ones to use.
Based on the picture I used B and C as they are closest to the antenna socket but this is VERY ambiguous. Can someone let me know where to put those 2 clamps? (and make the guide clearer please)
We also have solar but right now it’s night and I’m still only seeing green bars, I was very careful with the orientation of the clamps but it seems something is still reversed or is this because of the B & C issue above?
Speaking of solar, I have a big red and black wire coming into two linked breakers, I just connected a 50A clamp to the black one and used the 2x multiplier. Is this correct or should it be on the red one?
If I need to move the clamp locations, do I need to first power off the vue or can I just unplug them and move them?