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MemberI have two complete Emporia systems with a total of 32 sensors. This was a significant investment in both $ and time yet I’m totally dependent on remote servers over which I have no control.
Since my purchase, Emporia has already changed how long they save some of my historical data. They did this without asking my permission.
Without a way to capture my data from my system on my server, I will always be at the mercy of the Emporia servers. These servers could become less responsive or less reliable over time or could eventually cease to exist.
This is no way to run a railroad. 🙁
MemberI agree 100%. Being dependant on someone else’s cloud service is a BIG disincentive to purchasing these products.
Not only does it limit creativity in presenting the data but it makes potential customers suspicious that they will get locked into a product that will eventually have a monthly fee associated with it. That’s what Google did with their “free” photo storage.
Perhaps of even more concern is that the server will eventually disappear leaving us with a bunch of now-useless hardware. That just happened to me with ConnectSense monitoring devices that, as of December 31st this year will no longer have a cloud server to report into. 😟
December 17, 2020 at 2:13 am in reply to: Please Show Circuit Number on Graph Screen #6630 Report AbusePragmatist
MemberYes, that’s what I’m doing now but the space for circuit names is already quite limited (20 or so?) so doing it this way leaves even less space for the actual name.
Most of my circuits cover several rooms or areas so even with abbreviations I quickly run out of nameing space.
Here’s some samples of my nameing:
4 Lt: Thtr, Bed D, Stor Rm
12 Out: DR FP, WC, KeurigThe Circuit number uses up 2 or 3 characters and “Lt: ” or “Out: ” use another 4 or 5 so I lose as many as 8 characters per name.
There is room on the Home Screen to show the Circuit Number in the far left column and the “Lt:” and “Out:” could be replaced with an icon if lights & outlets were added as new Circuit Types.
December 13, 2020 at 8:44 pm in reply to: Please Show Circuit Number on Graph Screen #6628 Report AbusePragmatist
MemberIt would also be very helpful to shown the circuit number on the Home Panel. “Managing Devices” by name is very difficult especially where they are similar & sometimes truncated.