I am new to Emporia, but I’ve been deeply involved in home automation for years. I am overall very happy with the device but find data analysis very limited. We have 400 amp service, so I bought 2 devices, one for each incoming main line pair. The current app does not allow me to combine these 2 as a total usage, so it greatly limits my analysis. I am writing my own program to accomplish this. Direct access to data with an API call would be a huge step forward. My experience has shown that HVAC usage is the prime determinate of our electricity consumption. Without having concurrent temperature and humidity values, it’s impossible to critically assess and draw meaningful conclusions on our efforts at conservation. I’m going to build an API interrogation routine in my program to the free api.weather.gov service to retrieve this data and mesh it with my electricity usage. This would be a fairly simple service that you could build into your app that would greatly increase it’s impact. Thanks!