I just wrote Support asking for this.
I also have tiered rates>
A. From 0- 500 kWh
Peak: 10:01 a 12:30 and 17:31 a 20:00
Valley: 6:01 a 10:00 and 12:31 a 17:30
Night: 20:01 to 6:00
B. After 501 kWh
Peak: De 10:01 a 12:30 y de 17:31 a 20:00
Valley: De 6:01 a 10:00 y de 12:31 a 17:30
Night: De 20:01 a 6:00
C. Weekends
Valley: 6:01 to 20:00
Night: 20:01 to 6:00
This should be quite basic to have for a monitor. So basic I didn’t even askef if it had the feature. The same with the EV Charger.