I’m excited that you’re working to combine multiple Vues. I hope the solution you provide will support my multiple Vue setup, which might be close to a “worst case” (really “most complicated”) example.
I have a main panel with an 8 channel Vue (there’s not much coming from the main panel). The main panel feeds a subpanel where I have TWO 16 channel Vues. I assume at a minimum the enhancement you are working on will support combining all 40 channels (8 channels from main Vue + 32 channels from the other Vue) as though they were all connected at the main Vue. But that will leave 4 unused 200A sensors. Would be nice if they could be repurposed as additional circuit sensors (perhaps with less precision since they are designed for 200A, but I’m sure people would appreciate it). I’d like to be able to use two of the clamps to measure the power going into the subpanel (though I can’t think of a great reason I’d NEED to do that).
Really hope you can implement these changes soon!