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  • in reply to: Gen2 Cannot be used when internet is down #7083 Report Abuse

    Mike_S said:  This is why a local option would be great!

    That is why an SD card of some type that would part of the control module could be a great enhancement.


    Tic Werme said:  “…something that adds value to the Vue system”

    I’m all for that.

    in reply to: Extension/expansion cable for Gen 2 #7081 Report Abuse

    I seem to remember that someone did use extenders. They posted what they used in here somewhere.  I’ll try to look.

    in reply to: Allow cloudless local instance #7052 Report Abuse

    Oziee said:  “If I had known that your purpose for this unit is to collect and sell my information …”

    Did I miss reading about that in the fine print or Terms of Service?  Maybe I need clarification from Emporia.

    I agree, once we get hooked will they continue to offer less?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by waterboyz.
    in reply to: Max values over time #7049 Report Abuse


    Keep poking them with great ideas.  Some day I’ll catch up to you.



    Right on…Right on…

    I would be willing to pay $20 per year for all of my data.  But, I have two units in the same panel.  Would that be $40?  Hope not.


    I must have poor or slow memory because I don’t remember anything about Managed Service Plan.  I also did not know about the various data retention time frames.  Where was that shown during my app install and the setting up my CTs?

    Dumping that email with the data retention changing was totally inconsiderate of Emporia’s customer base.  I strongly suggest that Emporia roll-back that email and rethink what they just did to their customers.  If Emporia continues with that email, it may cause future customers to not purchase because if it happened once it can happen again.  Or it may push existing Emporia loyal customers to design their own stuff and market it.

    As Scrambler mentioned, about the 3-day rolling period, I’m wondering what planet was that decision-maker on?

    My 3¢ (I’m old, I’m worth more)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by waterboyz.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by waterboyz.
    in reply to: API to pull data #7039 Report Abuse


    I was trained on vacuum tubes and mainframes.  It is obvious I have not kept up based on your recent programming post.  But I am still interested.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by waterboyz.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by waterboyz.
    in reply to: Discuss Vue Gen 2 use with generator power #7005 Report Abuse

    jj613 said:  …I haven’t seen Wyze cams before but they look like they would work *if* they work locally.   Do they?  Does the app connect directly to the camera on your local network?

    Sadly, for this application, I’m pretty sure they are mostly are cloud-based.  They can have a 32g SDcard but I have not tested if ALL video is cloud-based.  I have a bunch of these but never really looked into the behind-the-scenes……yet.

    in reply to: Discuss Vue Gen 2 use with generator power #6997 Report Abuse

    jj613 said:  I put a night vision webcam on a goose neck so I can see them from anywhere in the house.

    What webcam are you using?  I have a webcam for zooming and a bunch of Wyze Labs cameras.  I just got the webcam so still learning it.

    in reply to: Gen2 Cannot be used when internet is down #6996 Report Abuse


    Yes, leaving us here and not promoting competitive products would benefit Emporia.  But, as you say, we are not hanging out in their board or coffee shop, so this is our only medium to be seen.   I look forward to furthering the activity here.

    in reply to: Power up vs Internet up #6993 Report Abuse


    Thanks for the update.

    I’m guessing that someone has been tasked to develop the Gen 3.  Hopefully, the SD card will be included.  As has been mentioned elsewhere, people are using your device for billing and that would be a great feature.

    I like the idea of the Zwave or Bluetooth while on generator.   Our device hardware does have bluetooth but not Zwave, I have sent that to the hardware team as a recommendation.

    I know that Zwave is very popular as well as ZigBee.  Zwave does have a license fee and Zigbee does not but both have the place.  Adding it and using it would be very inexpensive but offers so many benefits.

    in reply to: Gen2 Cannot be used when internet is down #6992 Report Abuse

    DuaneThorpe said:  (note I removed hyperlinks since my attempt with them was deleted, so you will have to copy and paste into your browser).

    I discovered that as I was posting links to useful products and my reply was instantly deleted with no reason given.  Even if I used their official “LINK” button.  So yeah, gotta leave off the htpp….www part.  So stupid.

    in reply to: Gen2 Cannot be used when internet is down #6990 Report Abuse

    DuaneThorpe said:   I am very grateful for each person before me who took the time and effort to post their work for others to use.

    I thank you for your detailed work.

    I did read through your GitHub posting and it is VERY detailed.  I was trained on vacuum tubes so I’m old and have seen the evolution of computers.  I have been intrigued by the Raspberry but have not made the time or applied the energy to get into it…..yet.  As I mentioned elsewhere, I’d be interested in an energy usage system that is idiot resistant and checkbook friendly this does not use the Cloud.  But, alas, I’m in the Emporia World for the time being.

    It has been mentioned elsewhere the interest in having something like Emporia that is not Cloud-based, so we will have to wait to see if they kinda branch off to a market that is out there for that kind of information.

    I’m guessing that you and I and a few others here will have to find a place to gather since we may get booted from here since it is not Emporia related.  Any ideas of a place?



    Again, great ideas.


    thanks for the update.

    in reply to: Gen2 Cannot be used when internet is down #6972 Report Abuse


    Looks like it has been a while since you posted such a major request.  Am I the only one who is also interested in this?

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 95 total)